


The Workplan should include a summary of the Project Objectives, Technical Scope, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Milestones, Go/No-Go decision points, and Project Schedule. If selected, a detailed Statement of Project Objectives (SOPO) will be requested.

The Workplan [includes, but is not limited to]:

Project Goals and Objectives:
The applicant should provide a clear and concise (high-level) statement of the goals and objectives of the project as well as the expected outcomes.

Technical Scope Summary:
The applicant should provide a summary description of the overall work scope and approach to achieve the objective(s). The overall work scope is to be divided by performance periods that are separated by discrete, approximately annual decision points (see Go/No-Go decisions). The applicant should describe the specific expected end result of each performance period, including milestones in the Community Benefits Plan, Adoption Plan and the Implementation and Compliance Plan.

3: Workplan

Architecture 2030 Template Language & Guidance

Jurisdiction Scenarios 1, 2, and 3:

Work will be performed in the following phases: [Expand these bullets as necessary. Provide a detailed timeline on when each milestone will be completed.]

  1. Public hearings and adoption of Appendix CC of the IECC 2021 [or equivalent zero energy code.]
  2. Establishing an energy disclosure and benchmarking program which is a key component of enforcing the Renewable Energy Standard (RES). [Delete this step if one already exists.]
  3. Training of staff and/or recruitment of additional staff to carry out the functions of the program. [Some smaller jurisdictions may choose to hire an outside contractor. Expand to describe the specific functions and the expertise needed, e.g., plan check, field inspection, compliance documentation, COMCheck software support.]
  4. Development of training materials to be used in on-demand and virtual seminars. [Training may consist of one or more pre-recorded training sessions.]
  5. Website development and deployment. [This will likely be a new section of the jurisdiction’s existing website. This is where recorded training sessions can be viewed, the IECC 2021 or the RES can be downloaded, and common questions can be answered. Perhaps there is a chat option or at least email support.]
  6. Design and implementation of the Renewable Energy Investment Fund (REIF). [Not applicable to all jurisdictions.]