Technical Description, Innovation, and Impact

Technical Description, Innovation, and Impact


The Technical Description should contain the following information:

Relevance and Outcomes:
The applicant should provide a detailed description of the project or focus area, including the current code(s) adopted in the applicant jurisdiction and any relevant partner jurisdictions and the specific code(s) with any amendments and alterations that will be pursued for adoption and the subsequent activities to support implementation and compliance. This section should describe the relevance of the proposed project to the goals and objectives of the FOA and clearly specify the expected outcomes of the project.

The applicant should demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed project and capability of achieving the anticipated outcomes, including a description of previous work done and prior results on relevant code adoption efforts in the jurisdiction. This section should also address the project’s access to necessary stakeholders and ability to influence energy code adoption and implementation in the applicant’s jurisdiction(s).

The applicant should describe the current code, the qualifying code intended for adoption (or that was recently adopted), and the results of the equivalence calculation conducted through the provided calculator or by following the provided methodology. Impacts should also include potential energy and emissions savings, workforce impacts, capacity building, economic impacts, and impacts to disadvantaged communities

2: Technical Description, Innovation, and Impact

Architecture 2030 Template Language & Guidance

Relevance and Outcomes guidance:

Jurisdiction Scenarios 1, 2, and 3:

Increasing building code stringency increases building efficiency across the electrical grid, lowering demand on electrical infrastructure. Lowering demand increases grid resilience by lowering peak demand to meet energy production capacity. Increased energy efficiency also lowers energy bills for consumers, with the biggest impact on low income families who spend a higher percentage of income on electricity. Lower regional carbon dioxide emissions are expected where fossil fuels comprise primary grid sources resulting in improved public health outcomes such as lower asthma rates.